Welcome to the
Great Bridge Fisherman's Association

About Us
The Great Bridge Fisherman’s Association is a family oriented fishing club located in the Great Bridge Are of Chesapeake Virginia. Our charter is to introduce new anglers to the sport of recreational fishing while promoting the conservation of our resources. The diversity of its membership covers all aspects of recreational fishing from freshwater to saltwater, surf to pier, and inshore to offshore fishing
The club is active in the community, sponsoring various events including Wish-a-Fish, an annual scholarship to high school seniors pursuing higher education and inshore party boat fishing for both our senior and disabled residents. Our tournament director also insures that the membership sponsors and participates in various inter and intra club tournaments throughout the year.
Our annual activities include a banquet, lead poring, oyster roast, fish fry, and the well know, Fishing Flea Market. Monthly meeting are held the first Monday of the month starting a 7 pm and ending at 9 pm. Meeting includes a guest speaker talking on a wide range of topics and there are plenty of door prizes, raffles, and snacks. Currently, we meet at the Great Bridge Baptist Church located at 640 South Battlefield Blvd, across from the YMCA. Guest are welcome.
Fish Weigh in Form
GBFA holds a Fish of the Month, Featured Fish & Matrix Tournament every month. Download this form to record your monthly results.
Fish of the Month Rules
Click to download or view the Fish of the Month Tournament Rules.
Calendar of Events
Click to view Events
GBFA NewsLetter
Monthly Newsletter. Click to get the latest monthly update
GBFA Matrix Tournament
This is monthly update or GBFA's yearly "Fish of the Month" Tournament Matrix.
Membership Application
GBFA Membership Application. Fill out and bring to next meeting or use contact form. Annual Dues $35.00 in person / $37.00 OnLine
USCG Float Plan
Download and complete this plan before you go boating and leave it with a reliable person
GBFA Scholarship Application
GBFA Scholarship Application for Graduating High School Seniors.
Flea Market Vendor Form
Vendors Fishing Flea Market Agreement form and pricing. Contact Butch Pierce for location and availability.
GBFA Annual Flea Market
GBFA holds an annual Fishing Flea Market every March. Stock up on all your fishing supplies. Click link for more INFO
Contact GBFA
Need more information? Send me an email or drop me a line.
- FishGBFA.com